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Texas Open House June 22

We're having a HUGE sale at our greenhouse located at 3883 S Hwy 83, Ramireño TX, Zapata county.

Deep discounts on all Plumeria, including Silver tags and Boneyard plus Golden Barrel cactus, Adeniums, Crown of Thorns, lots of Agaves and Palms, Bougs and much more.

We are determined to make this sale worth the drive.

Come join us on Saturday!

1 komentář

(29. 7.)

Since I’m closer to OK border 😄than the MX border 😵‍💫I just buy ur plumerias from Calloways in plano 😁..had a question best plant food for them bloom. Using better-Gro better bloom 11-35-15 but have fewer blooms. What U suggest ?

Judy in plano

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