Holiday Flash Sale at Jungle Jack's Plumeria
Save 33% off all online orders over $100 today thru December 15th! Just in time for that special gardening friend (or yourself, no...
Boneyard Sales: Oct 19 in Texas & Oct 26 in Vista
Every October we gather up the less-than-perfect plumeria for our Boneyard Sale. Enjoy the heavy discounts on slightly wonky plants...

WOW Look at those Sale Prices! JJ's Open House 2024 Vista, CA
SATURDAY JULY 27th 9a-3p. See junglejacksplumeria.com for details. Every year, at the height of bloom season, we tempt you with our...

Texas Open House June 22
We're having a HUGE sale at our greenhouse located at 3883 S Hwy 83, Ramireño TX, Zapata county. Deep discounts on all Plumeria,...

Say Hello to Spring with Plumeria
Winter is over! Everyone, including us, is waiting for the warm weather to arrive - watching the weather forecast in anticipation of...

Say Hello to a 2024 Full of Flowers!
Imagine your garden filled with the fragrance and colors of Jungle Jack's plumeria. Now is the time to take advantage of our off-season...

OPEN HOUSE this Saturday July 29th
Hello from Jungle Jacks! Please join us for our annual Open House on Saturday July 29th. Gate opens at 8a, and shopping starts at 9a....

2023 Season Events - Save the Dates!
Greetings from your friends at Jungle Jack's Plumeria! After a cold and rainy winter, we're ready to see some blooms! Root! By April, all...

TODAY ONLY All JJ Gift Cards 10% off. Use online or in our Vista location. Perfect gift for your gardening friends and family!

Halloween Sale Vista Oct 30 9-4p
We've scared up some Halloween Sales! Visit our Vista Boneyard of less-than-perfect plants - Oct 30th only, 9a-4p BONEYARD non-Silver...

We're throwing open the doors of our greenhouses for our first Texas Open House, July 3rd 7:30-4:30
Laredo, TX Open House 1000s of blooming Plumeria and Adenium 3883 S Hwy 83, Ramireño, TX 78067 near Zapata No pre-event sales or early...

Texas Fans: Lots of JJ Plumeria Heading Your Way
Lots of Jungle Jack Plumeria - many already in bloom - heading to Houston (Saturday), San Antonio (Friday) and Victoria, Texas Four...